meet idea

lets have a meet to i can meet this darkstar fellow

Same here…I don’t think I’ve met him either.

Maybe he’ll step up and organize a little Ron Paul rally in the Burgh. Or drink beer and offer OC pics of Rumanian chicks.

Darkstar > *

darkstar is related to chuck norris not to be F*cked with

Hooters, Monroeville - Saturday, February 23 @ 10pm

will they let us back?

They better…

negative. i think whitey has other plans for the WOW meet

Is Darkstar going to pick up the tab?

no hooters for us anymore. After last years fiasco, no need giving that shitty establishment the business.

This year we are going to head to Hal’s Bar and Grille in the North Hills. It’s easy access to 279 and we really never do a meet in the NH.

oh dear lord… I like b rad’s choice in women

How about Kretlers!?


double blah.

kretzlers couldnt handle us


maybe this year you could acctually take upskirt pics

ha…aight i’ll def work on it if i attend


um no way. that place is disgusting, its flooded with shit every other year.
