W.O.W time

>>>>>This guy<<<<<

you don’t know how happy that makes me…:idb:

does it taste like sweet and sour sauce?

wow was the only time of year spangler actually washed his car ! Ohh the good ole days when there were actually nice modded cars…

Will be there on setup day and after the doors close on sunday as every year!!

WOW is a waste.

3 days of shit can find at any car show 30 mile radius of pittsburgh for free :rolleyes:

well im so glad to see you will be attending then

Thursday and Sunday afternoon is free(all the show is usually worth) if you can figure a way in!!

We are looking to go to the hooters thing if anyone is going on Friday or Saturday. Still not positive on the show at this point. We are moving on Feb 13-14 to State College so it will be nice to see everyone before we bail on da burgh.

I will miss Pants-N-Nat and Primanti’s

mmmm permanti’s WOW meet…

The price keeps going up and the quality/number of the cars at the show keeps going down. I’ll probably go anyway.

It’s something to do in the winter and my kids like going so why not.

So what are the Par-tic-u-lars on the after partay

where ever it is im sure we wont be welcome back any time soon.:kekegay:

Humm I know of one car that is making it’s first appearance at WoW… it’s boxed up and ready to go… :slight_smile: (ignore the borrowed cobra trailer lol)


i have to drive mine down so i hope its not too bad out. where do you go to drop it off. it didnt say on the paper i got back. just said when to be there

I am not sure, I will ask Dak whenever I talk to him next, see if he knows, said he has to drop it off wednesday at 1 or something.

wearing the 1st try bikini??


yea its 2pm next weds

i thought we werent welcome at hooters anymore… where we going?