why not?
topless pics?
Wasnt it Jeff and Spangler that made the waitress cry one year??
I really don’t think i’ll be at the show this year… But will see…
I still think we are welcome to goto Hooters, I think the issue was Sonny didn’t have any hard liqueur to drink… But I have a feeling they really dont like us… eh…
Are you saying you have to deliver it on Wednesday?
I’m bringin’ the GTO down for the body shop who painted it. He said Thursday is the drop off day. We have 4 vehicles to bring down total. 1 of them is a bike.
on the back side of the convention center, near the river, there is a ramp, security will be there directing traffic, if you are coming in with the river to your left the ramp is before the tunnel , and if you are coming in from strip, river on your right go past the tunnel, they had hoses and stuff to wash your car off last time i was there
i am sure the hooters stuff blew over, the problem was someone brought a bottle… don’t do that again and we should have no issues.
yea the paper i got said Wednesday the 4th at 2 pm is when it needed to be dropped off. i just hope it doesn’t snow
Todd… I believe they have staggered the drop off’s between days and times to not create a big mess all at once…
I might be there.
I just hope they did not stagger ours between two days. I guess I need to find out what our drop off day(s) are. I didn’t register, so I am kinda in the dark on this.
We have so much to do before WOW its unreal. I think we are bringing 4 or 5 cars down.
We have a Friday delivery. Hall B. They sent a letter that states there is another show ending on Friday 2/6 & that we cannot bring vehicales until 2pm.
Laura: what Hall are you in?
let me look again. i dont think it had anything on mine about a hall it just to bring it to the normal delivery point on weds???
I’ll be there saturday.
yea im right on the right side of him haha. i was there from 4-till about 8. gonna go back tomorrow or friday to go over the car one more time. i like my spot. does everyone go through downstairs first then go upstairs?
Where are you guys at? I am guessing the picture Matt showed me is just the unloading area?
SO the official after party will be at HOOTERS
but what day? friday or saturday???