Wacky Winter Nationals-12-30-07

:rofl: thats priceless, good way to keep the trophys cheap

i got eliminated by a jimmy i think he cheated and went 4x4 lol he didnt spin at all

I took a small movie or 2 with my new camera, but I forgot to adjust the res and it defaults to 320x240 instead of 640x480. Oh well, i’ll post later if i get a chance. Choko, your truck sounds mean as hell, what exhaust?

just a resonator delete.


I guess this is over? Stupid work.

SS’s owning the track today taking home 2 trophies
Good time today Jeremi :tup:


no snow, no care.

Maybe next time.

fun times! awd burnouts ftw

Damn it…too bad it didn’t go on for longer. I got outa work around 1pm…i was gonna take my neon up there and Dominate. Shucks :frowning:

^ my turbo cutlass wuda smoked u

what motor do you have 3100?

Prolly, but we wouldnt be in the same class then, would we? lol
GTZracer93 woulda been my lunch tho

ya, didnt u hear the sick spooling of the turbo and my sick burnouts lol

anything should beat a cavalier

Good times, was raping everything but those silly domestic SSUVs, and a random quad. Forgot to enter 4cyl class, oh well maybe next year. :slight_smile:

Felt odd being nearly the only import there, minus the VW delievering pizzas half-way through.

was yours the evo?

Nope but I did bring some wagonlike hotness, and I don’t recall any EVOs unless one showed up late.

ya my mistake i meant wrx i was lookng at a evo online thats y i wss thinking that

damn I wish I stayed around to see the wrx