Wait.. uh.. what? Zombies inside


[quote=][SIZE=“4”]A Miami police officer fatally shot a naked man chewing the face of another man Saturday afternoon on a downtown causeway off-ramp, officials said.

The Miami Herald reported that the naked man chewed off half the face of his victim, who is struggling for his life.
The violence started at 2 p.m. on the MacArthur Causeway off-ramp, just south of the Herald’s offices, the newspaper said.
Witnesses said that a woman saw two men fighting and flagged down a police officer, who came upon the naked man mauling the other man, the Herald reported.

The officer, who was not identified, ordered the naked man to back away, but when the man continued the assault, the officer shot him, the Herald said. Witnesses told the Herald the wounded attacker continued to eat his victim, so the officer continued firing.
Witnesses said they heard at least a half-dozen shots, the Herald said.
The naked man was later seen lying face down on the pedestrian walkway just below the newspaper’s two-story parking garage, the Herald said.
The naked man’s victim was transported to Jackson Memorial Hospital Ryder Trauma Center and had critical injuries, police told the Herald.
Neither man was identified.
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“Based on the information provided, our Miami police officer is a hero and saved a life,’’ Javier Ortiz, spokesman for Miami police’s Fraternal Order of Police, told the Herald.
A police department news release about the shooting did not include many details provided by witnesses to the newspaper.
Police requested surveillance video that had been obtained by the newspaper, the Herald reported.
The shooting and investigation tied up causeway traffic as crowds were arriving at South Beach for an annual Urban Beach Week hip-hop festival[/SIZE][/quote]

fucked. up.



Holy fuck that’s crazy

I’m ok

I was worried for a whole hot sec

Only in florida

I really am thinking that someone did this to creep everyone out, sounds too fake…

I’m thinking that someone watched a zombie movie before taking PCP and it was the end result.


I read somewhere that the cannibal was high on cocaine. IN any event this is awesome.

The Miamiherald.com has the surveillance video of it, but doesn’t show that actual face eating…I checked.

holy shit people are fucked up. And I’m sure Coke was not the only thing this guy was on. I’m sure some other form of drug was ingested. Some sort of Acid like drug maybe. lol

I didn’t know LSD would make one do all that.

I got lucky to get away from these guys

Lol was that the zombie bar crawl dt?

the doomsday preppers are shitting bricks right now and getting ready for the apocalypse

My only question is… why stop and take a picture?

He was on a drug called bathsalts, it’s a variation of LSD blended with others. There was also just a lady that ate her three year old not too long ago too.

Apparently it was some fucked homeless guy situation, and drugs were in affect lol, I’m in Miami trick!