Walk it out

Prob something Farmer would post, yeah?

I feel bad for laughing, she had potential;)


…and were all going to hell.

lmao ohhh mannn… i do feel bad for her though!

I don’t get it!!,Is she handi cap or is she trying to be funny?
That was a trip man!!

HAHAHAHA! Omg. It’s so bad, but I can’t stop laughing.

…on a side note, she should just keep a treadmill handy LMFAO

that shit is just sad…

I bet the pharm company couldn’t even explain what happened physiologically

what have you learned? get your flu shot?

seen that on worldstarhiphop hahha didnt know they put the walk it out song… MEAN! lol

I watched this video too but the whole thing was in reverse and the title was " girl gets swine flu shot and can only go backwards" lmao


haha fucking amazing. it also sucks so much…but funny none the less. but sad…ahhh confused!

hahahaha hilarious. she was hot too.

to bad

i would sue the shit outa people. mother fuck there shit. fuck them to hell.