Anyone want to go see WALL-E with me tomorrow?

I’m really excited about it.

I really want to see this.


i thought it looked hilarious to be honest

Link to trailer?

Thank god for Pixar. Hell yes I’m going, however I think you’d scare my kids.

I want to see this.

NySpeed Wall-E meet

god jay youre such a fucking faggot

What a horrible thing to say.

damn dude it’s a midget johnny 5

and we all know how badass johnny 5 was

looks sweet

Shit, I really want to go, but this week is still busy for me. Hopefully I can round up some homies sometime next week to go see it. Looks funny as hell!

Just got home. I wasn’t planning on seeing it without some feedback, but bitches love Pixar movies.

Wall-E was :tup: :tup:

I won’t post spoilers yet.

Fuck it’s really early.

i’m going. jay i’ll hold your hand if you go with me.


i rly wanna see this when does it come out?

Saw it last night at the drive-in with the wifey, It’s pretty good

Good fing movie, the begining short was fing hilarious…

Going to see it at the IMAX. Can’t wait