
ooh what class do you race? i like a :nod

I know what it is about, I was just pointing out that the best time ever run on the Ring was a 5:54. Which completely invalidates the 5:52. he best U-Class time is a 5:58 anyway…the R1 is faster. Unless he is just the best forza player on the planet and happens to not be on Live.

Btw I am SgtMike on Live, add me :).

I was using a jetta.

oh thank god, clearly he’s kidding. phew.

You should either be releived im not that good…or scared that i actually ran it with a jetta :runaway

EDIT: Just for clarification, I’m not that good.

no, i race S class

This thread was really boring me until I realized that you can have a Jetta in Forza. I might have to consider buying an Xbox. :ponder :lol

why so you can go slow in video games too? :lol :confused

lol and your car would be in the shop almost as much as mine are!


Just for the novelty of having my car in a video game.