Wanna Hear 10,000rpms ?



F40 is still my fave

i hit 10gs on the bike on the reg. but thats only a twin lol. ferrari sounds crazy but still perfer the NA ferrari sound.


no n/a ferrari, sounds better then a 2.9 V8 twin charged, except maybe F50

do want

Video is ancient.

Your face is ancient (the avatar change it dude its creepy lol)

why is only one wheel spinning? unless im just blind

come on fobwall, i dont care what is old or ancient to you. im sure many people havent seen it so fuck off with your gay “thats old” comments. grow up

s13junkyard, check the wheels when he pulls it slow in the start, they are both going but hard to see since its fast

The people standing to the side at the end of the vid are just like “Aww snap!” lol

I find it ironic that people always say “No one cares” but yet they always reply to what I say.


lol i have come to love ur silly comments mark…lol