Wanna make AWDrifter smash his keyboard?

Talk about this:

Mattel apologizes to China for toy recalls

Toy manufacturer takes ‘full responsibility’ for three worldwide recalls involving more than 21 million toys, citing design flaws.

^ I thought there was going to be a link to cuts in Medicaid cuts

I’m confused. How is lead in paint and plastic a “design flaw”?


^ I thought there was going to be a link to cuts in Medicaid cuts


I said “smash” his keyboard, not eat it. :rofl:

The magnets were the design flaw I guess. The lead paint problem was only a very small number of the recalled products.

so that guy didnt have to kill himself after all


so that guy didnt have to kill himself after all


My thoughts exactly.


I’m confused. How is lead in paint and plastic a “design flaw”?


Its just like ‘bugs’ in software are actually ‘features’… you of all people should realize this :smiley:

Small percentage my ass. This is their way of attempting to regain the consumer’s trust in China imports so they don’t have to manufacture toys somewhere that would cost more.


Small percentage my ass. This is their way of attempting to regain the consumer’s trust in China imports so they don’t have to manufacture toys somewhere that would cost more.


I don’t need to post any longer, just read JayS’s posts.

The designers should be going to prison then, right?:gotme:
Design lead toys for children?!?WTF?!?!?


I don’t need to post any longer, just read JayS’s posts.

The designers should be going to prison then, right?:gotme:
Design lead toys for children?!?WTF?!?!?


Corporate america at its finest. Do what’s best for the team so our board of directors get mucha-fuckin’ RICH!!!

If it’s such a smaller percentage and they’ve identified the problem toys, why is my contact still on mandatory overtime and the lab “they” work at is testing paint samples pretty much non-stop?

Upper management isn’t bound by reality. They just act according to what they want reality to be and the rest of us minions scurry around trying to keep their bubble from bursting.


Upper management isn’t bound by reality. They just act according to what they want reality to be and the rest of us minions scurry around trying to keep their bubble from bursting.


Truth from Jimmy Fry. I love the corporate concept though. You’re supposed to be the team player, work as one, etc all to get your employer more money (the antithesis of the expectations for yourself).