Wannabe racers @ Dunville (or.... more BS than your nose can stand)

e34 Touring on Slicks Vs Benzo?

:lol: I’m kidding of course.

w/ or w/o M5 motor?

Shit for $100 vs. $100 bet I’d race just about anyone

No M5 motor. I wont put anything less than an S38B38 or S60 in it, and the motor in the garage is a B36. But I will be curious to see where we’re at. The limited amount of time I was on the track last time I was never out with the Benz. Shit atleast take me for a ride next time.

Who are you again? When did I say I was fast at the track? And why am I playing with fire? What were you driving? Were you even reading what was going on in this thread or what was said in the past between Joe and I? Did I miss something? Was last firday a lapping day or did i miss that too, I had 2 drivers BTW; pay attention next time before you run your mouth

I am sorry for going off topic

joe did you fuck his mom or something? jesus.

I just dont like the kid, plain and fucking simple. Why is that hard to understand

Edit: just drop it

what is so hard to understand that no one cares though?

So everything is on me? he had nothing to do with it rite? Like I said drop it and it will be dropped

must have…or because joe works kinda hard and has a benz along with driving skill

fuck the chump change involved in these bets. i say you guy race and loser gets a tattoo of blue shooting stars on their chest. winner laughs all the way home.

and wow, for someone to say that you were visible slow on a track, combined with not being able to shake an auto benz not modded at all for track performance is, well…emabarassing

who is this sack rider?

Were you there?


wtf? i must have missed some crazy shit while cruising in the poor neon thread.

I don’t understand why you two won’t just race bet or no bet you think you can take him well, then do it already, he’s already extended the offer whats the deal ?

fucking IN

I said i would race him last friday, he said if he brought the Evo… no Evo, so no race

I have no problem racing him, never said I did. I wont be at the next dunnville trackday.

I never even said I was a fast driver, I was told I needed to learn how to drive after blowing out my clutch because my Evo 9 was making too much power (thats the problem I had with Joe); how it turned into me not being able to drive hard enough on a track I have no idea… nor do i care. I’ll admit I’m no fucking expert at racing at all; GSTairs said I am slow and suck at racing and I didnt see he/she out there. I also had a 17 year old driving my car as well, so dont assume things. I have quite a few track days under my belt. Ive out handled 4 carrera’s including a 4S at TMP. Is Joe better than me? I dont know, he might be and he might not, who cares. I never said i did. There was a reference to Joe working hard. I work just as hard at my job if not more. I dont have parents that have money, hell i make more money than both of them. So enough of this fast driver talk cause it was never about that

Back on topic:
Joe if you want to street race (which I rather not), track race or dragstrip race I have no prob doing so and no hard feelings about everything we’ve both said to eachother; I’m sure your a cool dude… I’d rather not race for money, I like a more friendlier race. And if anyone else wants to race, call me out; i hate losing but you’ve got to sometime.

Random Off topic question, where is dunnville?

whoa this thread reminds me of our teenage years on ubrf

Canada, Right outside of Port Colborne? Did anyone else see the signs on peoples lawns about Dunnville