want to borrow tool to push in rear calipers

i bought the tool they sell in cdn tire for $20 , but when i tried to push the piston in it broke , some one was telling me i need a special tool that locks onto the piston so it can be wound back into place. They have this in cdn tire , but it costs almost $200 to rent it.

anyone willing to lend this tool for a few hrs?


A C-clamp should do it…and its way cheaper.

What are you trying to do?

install new rotors / brakes for the Rear

this is what i tried using

but it wouldnt work , at a certain point , rod started to tear through the handle

Brake pads and rotors?

You’ll be fine without the tool you’re looking for. At most, use a C-clamp. (since you will put new pads, it might be tight to slide in without the clamp)

This is what im looking to borrow

something that has “teeth” in order to push in the piston …

We need to know what type of brakes you are working on.

This for a 240 or an R33 as your name states? (assuming 240…)

Yes as Theo said it’s pretty important to know what brakes you are talking about. If they are 240sx rears then you need to turn them in clockwise. You can use needlenose pliers or even a large set of adjustable pliers. If you use a c-clamp or try to push them in by any other means you will damage them.

If it’s the front brakes then a regular c-clamp is all you need.

btw, your link takes me to the main CT page…I have no idea what tool you are talking about. Is it a socket wrench attatchment of some sort?

ya, i used needle nose pliers…but now i’m thinkin of renting it…cuz itz too hard. renting is good…you get all your money back from cnd tire

i bought the tool they sell in cdn tire for $20 , but when i tried to push the piston in it broke , some one was telling me i need a special tool that locks onto the piston so it can be wound back into place. They have this in cdn tire , but it costs almost $200 to rent it.

anyone willing to lend this tool for a few hrs?


A C-clamp should do it…and its way cheaper.

What are you trying to do?

install new rotors / brakes for the Rear

this is what i tried using

but it wouldnt work , at a certain point , rod started to tear through the handle

Brake pads and rotors?

You’ll be fine without the tool you’re looking for. At most, use a C-clamp. (since you will put new pads, it might be tight to slide in without the clamp)

This is what im looking to borrow

something that has “teeth” in order to push in the piston …

We need to know what type of brakes you are working on.

This for a 240 or an R33 as your name states? (assuming 240…)

Yes as Theo said it’s pretty important to know what brakes you are talking about. If they are 240sx rears then you need to turn them in clockwise. You can use needlenose pliers or even a large set of adjustable pliers. If you use a c-clamp or try to push them in by any other means you will damage them.

If it’s the front brakes then a regular c-clamp is all you need.

btw, your link takes me to the main CT page…I have no idea what tool you are talking about. Is it a socket wrench attatchment of some sort?

ya, i used needle nose pliers…but now i’m thinkin of renting it…cuz itz too hard. renting is good…you get all your money back from cnd tire

I had the same problem except that I when I turn the piston clockwise it never went in. So I had to use the C clamp to put pressure on it and carefully use vice grips to turn the cylinder in. Turn of the cylinder, tighten clamp, turn of the cylinder tighten the clamp. Oh and take the lid off your master cylinder that helps. Took me awhile but it worked.

it worked fien for me wiht a needle nose

I used pliers. worked on the rear driverside and the fronts. My rear passenger side though i tried the pliers didnt work. Bought a 5" clamp… Broke the clamp (was snapping in half) so I to am screwwed and need some sort of piston pusher thing. canadian tire rents this stuff?

yeah they doo

u get back all ur money less tax tho lol

so basically u buy it and reaturn it but its called the rent a tool program