Want To Buy: A full body kits for S13

Hello everyone, I want to get a full body kits for my S13 (new or used, white is preferred) . Please pm me for the price and picture. It will be alot better if you can help me to install it .:slight_smile:

go origin lab they are sick. and perfect fit. cost abit mroe but the quality is awsome.

I know,but it is out of my budget …
Thanks for the help btw ~ "D

Avery is selling an origin kit thats used.

Toss me a PM with your budget and the style of kit you want and I’ll see if I can work something out for you.

Hey S14_2nv
I actually want something like the origin kits…
I preferred a Used one with around $500CAD
Sorry that I don’t know how to use PM