Want to do something different to the M....opinons needed


I say leave it the fuck alone and drive it…


OT - i don’t know what it is about wilmington, but i see like 5 E36 M3s every day here in wilmington, for some reason i swear there’s more M’s than normal 3 series running around here

it’s just weird, kinda rare up north but you can’t go anywhere here without seeing one

IB4 someone says ‘it’s the climate, stupid’

Might’ve won that BMW class if you had those :wink:

not against Josh

oh skunk.

leave your car alone.

its nice, sharp, and everything falls into place.

plus its madddd DTM.

paint the moldings looks 100% IMO

did a quickie PS of the shaved handle. i dont like it as much as i thought i would, but i think painting the moulding GLOSS BLACK and giving the windows a light tint job would rock harcore.


With a little body work, you could have this!



if anything i would say shave the moldings and give it a smoother look.

I say Doooo it.

Re: butch


keep em black

Painting the molding will def make the car look a lot newer…

Just listen to me, or I will pee on your moldings until they turn yellow:eek:

…then I’m gonna call it a piss wagon

swap a k series into it :stuck_out_tongue:

I say paint em

Don’t paint em. It looks tacky painted. It would look better if the molding was shaved instead of painted. Find some pics with the moldings shaved


OMFG! ! !

butch always find the best pics!