Want to rent: Apt. in Tonawandas.

The GF got a scholarship to Medaille and Lockport is way too far away.

I need a place in any of the Tonawandas.

The apt. must have:

a 1 car garage (for 2 motorcycles and a quad).

Washer/dryer hook ups.

Parking for 2

Small dogs must be allowed (he’s a 14 pound poodle, housebroken, wont damage the apt). I don’t mind paying a bit extra for the dog.

2 bdrm preffered but a big 1 bdrm will do.

We each have over 20k in our savings (will show bank statements)

She has credit in the 700s and mine is almost 800.

Can get 2 referrals from old landlords.


Just buy a house?

I don’t have a garage and he 100% needs one. Will vouch for as well tho.
