WTRENT: 1-3 bedroom apt. garage is a must

somewhere in north buffalo/kenmore/tonawanda/amherst. Looking for a place asap


bump… anyone know of anything?

or even know a good website to find apartments?

I tried craigslist, buffaloapartments and wny apartments and can’t really find shit :\ (that I’m looking for atleast)

I just recently sold my house in Amherst. The guy that bought it has it up for rent. 3 bedroom, 1 car attached garage, 2 car detached garage. I don’t know the phone number but it is on Harlem near the 290 entrance ramp (near Sheridan). Don’t know if this helps you, good luck though.

Try artvoice for apts in the city

I’ll be looking to rent the upper half of my double in N.T

But till like a couple months from now…

U need a place quick?


yeah, I’m shooting for sept. 1st if I can find a decent place that isn’t going to cost me 1K a month. Due to some family things going on, I moved back in with the rents and was going to help my sister buy a house for her and her kids, but that went a different direction and I need to get out of here asap lol. I’m loosing my mind

just found out that google now has a housing search FYI if anyone is looking to rent/buy.

It uses multiple sources (rent.com, wnyapartments.com, ect) and displays them all aswell as google map locations.

talk to a realtor man, many people own properties and they want good renters in it.

I’ll ask my brother if he knows of any.

crazylt1 pmed about apartment… looking towards the end of october.

ive got an open room at my place in the heights. $300/month all utillities included except cable. no garage though

you have a pm :slight_smile: