places to rent ~june/july?

Our lease runs up at the end of June. I’m interested in a few places, really just general areas. Downtown would be one, but that would be limited to the different lofts available. Elmwood would be another cool spot, or maybe right off elmwood near bidwell. There are areas of North Buff I’d consider depending on the place itself and the area its in.

I’d also consider an Amherst/Willyville location depending on cost and what it is. I’d be more apt to rent a house there than an apartment in a complex.

Would need to be a 2 bedroom, and has to have offstreet parking.

Finding the places downtown are easy, but what are some ideas to find places elsewhere?

How about Kenmore. You’d probably get a garage too

Jeff if you rent a house in williamsville/amherst im in 100%

find one.

keep an eye on craigslist… alot of decen places come up on there

craigslist is your friend. Buffalo News & Artvoice have decent listings too.

west side is the best side

if you’re interested in anything around here artvoice is a solid bet.

also, one of the best methods is driving around the neighborhood you want and looking for for rent signs