Want To Rent: Car Storage

Well the time has come again, whats everyone doing for storage this year? Ive been surfing craigslist, nothing has my interest yet but theres still time. Any one know anybody whos decent and has storage?


How much space do u need?

Just enough for his M3 and car cover. :wink:

Thanks Travis

I really dont need much space at all haha. I need to put my car somewhere, put a cover on it, it would be cool to be able to work on it (few little odd jobs) but not necessary. Doesnt need to be exclusive to me meaning if it was in a warehouse or something with 50 other cars, no big deal, and of course Im looking for most affordable.

Exactly… I really wish you still had that garage on southpark :frowning:

PM me or give me a call, I assume this is winter storage?

We can work something out.

Alright, well I havent heard from the guy I was hoping to get something going with. So, still looking for a place. Im gonna keep my eyes peeled on craigslist but let me know if anyone knows of anything else.

Draftin: If you can still work something out, again, feel free to PM me. The weathers getting crappy and I gotta make sure I find something soon.

Bump… doesnt look like anything good on craigslist yet as of today

Will be heading down to my place today to talk to her, sorry about the delay, had to go outta town unexpectedly last week.

I’ll PM you tonight.

Its no problem, I had a feeling something might have happened that I didnt know about. Im a very understanding person so I let it be and figured Id wait for you to come around if you wanted to. Ill await your PM :slight_smile:

I saw something on Craigslist, for some place on elmwood and hertel for 40 a month.

Found the listing:


Let me know what happens.

Thanks for looking out. I dont know how I didnt catch this one. Ill try giving a call today.

Call Jim @ 684-4700

Thanks Dave,

PM me some background information on this guy. Details and such, I dont want to call him up blind

So what happened with the one I posted for you?

Im actually going to check it out today. Guys sounds like a nice guy and all. Prob wont be able to do the small odd jobs on my car that I wanted to do but thats not a big deal. Most importantly is the guy owns the property, lives there, sounds polite and courteous and the price is very reasonable too.

My friend TJ has a huge auto storage building

In Amherst on North French near 990. $$$ but secure, temp controlled, etc.