Most “assault” guns are in high demand, Obama is Pres!
damn that’s a nice AR, too bad I can’t afford that now
IROC you can pick up a colt or LMT ar-15 for about $1400 new and they’re pretty much the best on the market.
please go there for more information.
POOT is that collapsible stock NYS legal?
its pinned so yes it is
and 1400 for a colt is inacurate the price has gone insane because of the shortage of parts and obama possible ban
now youre lucky to find an olympic arms junk ar for 1200
colts go for 2000-and up when in stock
bushmasters around 1300 for a basic carbine when in stock
dpms anything 1200 and up when in stock
cmmg has uppers for around 799 but no complete rifles
and all the places that deal in ar15’s will tell you you can order one but there 6-8 months backordered and if you call the manufactures direct they will say 9-18 month back order but they can put a rifle together for a premium price
I am not knocking anyone just do youre homework first I have been building these rifles for 2 years now and I am out of parts and I cant get anything but upper and lower recievers and trigger groups I had to beg wilson to send the barrel I got for this ar it cost 380 plus shipping thats just the barrel
i got a couple still
if you’re sellin I’ll buy. I got money saved up