What’s out there 2 to 3 months ago is still out there now. So if you look the prices will just be cheaper.
No major breakthroughs in video have happened in the last 2-3 months. Direct X 10 and Vista are still unstable as ever, so your options are still the same as 2-3 months ago :shrug:
Video editing just needs the best video card, and memory that you can afford. Very few video programs use specific chip functions, and if they do they are usually mentioned in the literature for the program.
All the other components are trivial.
It’s not like there are a million ways to do this. No need to make it that complicated. Search on the rigs built by the huge nerd gamers, doublecheck the video cards (there are some that have about 200MB more memory now), get the same components for cheaper than we paid for them, and use the extra cash on HDD storage space because if the GF is serious, you will need all the space you can get.
You realize this is a discussion board. As in, a place to discuss, give answers, or get answers. There’s a sub-topic here on NYSpeed called “Nerd Corner” not “Search corner”. I realize I can go elsewhere to look or ask the same questions, but so can everyone else on this board for every question ever asked. Telling every person to do a search for every question asked, whether posted here or not, car or non car related is, flippin retarded.
It’s called contribution. I posted here because there are people more than willing to piece together a system and have fun doing so, just like how I get kicks out of talking about something I enjoy doing.
I have your answer. Search. Thank you for your contribution and wealth of knowledge in the subjet.