wanted: small piece of aluminum or steel

just wondering if perhaps anyone has a small piece of metal scrap they wouldnt mind donating…just for me to make a small hidden switch panel in my ashtray…doesnt need to be any bigger than a 4 inch square piece…i can double check dimensions in the am…thanks…

go to metal supermarkets. they have a scrap pile. will cost a couple bucks.

where is that?

you can get that at home depot as well

Metal supermarkets. On RailRoad Ave. Google search and you will find it.

a piece of 4X4 1/8th aluminum would cost you like 2$

thanks for the info guys…KK i have to stop by your new shop to offer up a project for ya too…when are you usually there?

By request/appt. We all have day jobs, so shop time is nights/weekends.

PM me and we will go from there. :number1