looking to buy a steelers season ticket licence that i can put in the base’s name and have tickets available for our military members

if anyone has a season ticket license that is looking to sell please contact me at

Aaron Spangler

or email


good luck

fuckin awesome idea. that would be one hell of a way to thank the guys/gals up there. but i doubt anyone is gonna want to give it up after last season.

what does the fee usually go for.?

good luck spangs

spangler… look online (read: ebay)… i have a lead but i’m keeping it for myself LOL. good season ticket licenses can go for ten’s of thousands of dollars… they typically sell on ebay… just gotta watch.

if you get lucky enough you can find a friend of a friend looking to unload it cheap and easy… but it’s not all that common! i’d let the “first season” after the stupidbowl to let the buzz die down, then prices should drop.


the seat license is around 1500 a seat…and its something like a 20 yr waiting list…most people hold onto there seats and pass them onto the next generation

yeah i know the waiting list

we are at 8 years right now…

and i know how expensive they are…just looking for someone that may want to sell these so i can buy it for the base

thanks jenn ebay is to big of a risk anymore but ill keep my eyes open anything like this has to be in hand transation with more then likley approvel from the JAG

been in my family for over 30 years, it got passed down to me from my dad