wanted to borrow: ALL the christmas lights your family never uses any more -updated

do it up like chevy chase from that national lampoons movie

i was in Indiana . At a gas station there was a sign,. Want to see 100,000+ Xmas lights? then it had a addy. I never went. wish i would have :lol:

go for 15k

lol … so far ive got ONE person who has lights for me … at this rate ill be lucky to have 2500 lights by christmas…

I may some for you, these are big 7 watt a peice bulbs. bout the size of a rabbits foot each, should have like 4-8 strings. Multicolor

Are we getting the lights back? If you come out to Rochester, we have tons of them been sitting up in the garage. Easily a few thousand that we no longer use.

yea id want these back eventually.

returns can be arranged, but rochester is to far for my carless ass to walk to pick up lights, lol

i might have some for ya. ill check and get back to ya…

cool, thanks man :tup:

and i might have to rig up some of the projector headlamps i have with colored filters … just for the fun of it … lol

what other car shit can i use out there … polished intake manifolds for tree ornaments ?