Wanted, Trees!

If anyone has some trees that need to be taken down, or are already down and need to be cleaned up let me know.
I’ll fell/buck them and haul them away.

Using them for heat, not selling.
Preferably ones that are not near a house/power lines :]

take my coal, thanks.

I have a pretty big tree in my backyard that ive been meaning to have removed you are more than welcome to it if you would like although its relatively close to my house.

As in close enough to turn your house in to a pancake? :stuck_out_tongue:

If you really were wanting to get it removed, you could hire some pros to fell it, then ill remove it… that way you don’t have to pay their removal BS fees. :]
That way if something happens, it goes on their insurance and not… you or me :]
I also can sign a cutting on property waiver! that way if i F myself up, I can’t turn around and blame you.

I have an oak tree in my front yard that needs to be cut down. Oak is great wood and it burns slow and efficient. Let me lnow if you are interested.

Would you like scrap wood?

I am re-doing my garage and have alot of scrap wood from the inside that I don’t want. Some of it has nails in it, but alot of it doesn’t.

my old man took some trees down a couple years ago and there are some huge stumps that are dug up and just laying back there with mud still on them. you are more than welcome to come get them you’d be doing him a favor! let me know

Why didn’t you take the giant pile of fire I was trying to get rid of last year?!? It is just sitting there, rotting. I will have a nonstop bonfire all summer. lol

i have about 4 large tree worth of split and stacked wood, been sitting ~2 years. got rid of my woodstove so dont need it anymore. im not sure what split wood goes for, but you can have all of it for 100 bucks?

4/20 reference?


lol thats what i thought

i have an apple tree that i hate

Sure would be interested, can do it anytime. Oak sure is great! Only downside is the 2-3 year seasoning time.
As long as it’s not within distance of your house/power lines! :]

Not anymore sir! I took a few tons of it from my work from broken pallets and what not, using that in the cheapo stove in the shed plus for fires outside… Only using well seasoned (10-14% MC or less) cordwood and KD hardwood pallet scraps in the house stove.
thanks though! People on craigslist will snatch that stuff up in a hurry though :]

Sorry, can you be a little more specific? :stuck_out_tongue: Or have any pictures? I’d def be interested, they usually give quite a bit of wood! Just trying to figure out what you mean though. :]
Are the trunks on their side with roots showing? Or is it just a 1ft stump w/ roots?

I didn’t know you were getting rid of any! haha.
If it’s still around and is decent crap I’ll come and get it if you don’t want it, rot usually takes a while to set in :stuck_out_tongue:

Hum… Any idea on a cord count or type of tree?
cord = stacked wood 4’ x 4’ x 8’

and I have a chainsaw that I love!
applewood is good for smokers :]

The oak tree is already dead so it might not take that long to dry out. It is in the middle of my yard not near the house or power lines.

then you have a deal sir! shoot me a pm with your number, or such…
and consider it gone ;]

then come pull out the apple tree, its like 10 foot tall

Oh, that’s a tiny guy.
could def pull that out.
especially after all this rain! =)
will make some nice tire tracks in your yard :]

If you are still looking I have a 50 year old silver maple in my yard that needs to be cut down and removed, if you want to do it?

I have a telephone pole lying in my field if you want it. Gotta get it quick, I sold my house.