WANTED trout bum diaries 1 # 2 help to Download

NEED a lil help from you wizards of the internet…

I am heading to Idaho in august for a big backpacking/fishing expedition to some of the remote mountain streams and lakes.

We are latterly a group from all different parts of the US meeting in Boise Idaho be taken up the mountains and being said see you later…

2 of us are from Pittsburgh

1 from Georgia

1 from Michigan

We have been asked by some media agencies to film/chart this trip.

We will be filming the trip, and tapes will be going for edit/production.

I have seen this done in some overseas locations. and like the style of these two movies…

Wondering if anyone can find these to be downloaded/ say on you tube limewire or what not…

im looking for the full versions of these films as i am limited to what websites to go to i know you guys are wizz kids at finding this stuff…

downloading #2 off of bittorrent… 1.47gb


shoot me an email


yeah bitterent

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