EPS reports that this person is highly dangerous when approached, he might give you an illusion that ca is better than sr. he races every car that he sees to be raceable, that includes old grandma’s and grandpa’s. EPS says that they’ll give 5 cents to a person who will report where abouts of this person. Thank you for your help.
P.S. I heared that he is planning on leaving the country some time soon!!!
Maybe you want to post, he drives below the speed limit, trying to keep up with grannies and gramps. Scott, gives lessons to gangbangers on how to creep slowly through the hood.
yes yes, these are the qualities you may observe when you spot this dangerous criminal, but dont get fooled by his innocent look, he is extremely dangerous!!! :axe:
i just talked to a local sheriff today, he was kind enough to send me a few pictures of this international criminal!
That’s him in 7/11 stealing gummy bears!
This is his wedding picture, his wife asked us not to reveal her name as he might come back home for more bubble tea
there are times when he might put on his “playa” face
in any case, sheriff told me that there are only certain topics that we are allowed to talk when we encounter this person: shopping for clothes, gardening, cooking and of course soap operas!