Okay so today I joined WWW.TORONTOSTREETRACING.COM and only because I wanted to get the details on a Grand National that someone is selling. So I took a look around once I was in there and I started to read some of the topics and postings etc. and realized that there are a few memebers from here that are also members there so im going to say this: “No offence to any member from here that is a member there but that website should be called, last time I saw so much rice I was at a Chinese buffet…or was it Woodbridge?..Anyway there is way too much Honda, oops I mean rice in there.”

moved it here so that we dont get an inter-forum flame war…

i go by an alias on TSR and have bought some great great stuff on there… just dont participate in the chat… unless it is to start flame wars, in which case, FLAME ON!!!

^^^ :lol: :lol: Ha ha ha good work Bing! Flame On! I posted only two posts in there and my signature reads “Speed kills Drive a Honda” I can’t wait to see the responce :lol:

I’m sure they’ve heard it before.

SON is far from a place like that because of the hard work of assholes like myself :wink: Ok I’m kidding, it’s pretty easy being an asshole.

Joking aside, I’m glad we have a forum as relatively focussed as our is. I don’t want to be asscociated in any way with a place like TSR or Redliners.

dudes, to each their own. tahts why we have different sites and forums… to cater to different ppl heh. im on there for their buy/sell threads. where i picked up my racing seats as well as some of my audio equipment. they have lots more users than we do here and they have lotsa toys for sale

I only check their Buy/Sell sections. No point sifting through BS Technical posts.

I only use buy and sell as well on TSR.

Yeah their buy/sell section is good but that’s about it. The only reason I went into that site was to check out that Grand National you told me about, I checked it out but it’s been way too moded and unfortunately with those cars if they are not all original they loose their resale value and they are not worth much becuase if they are not original then they can’t be an official collectors car. Im willing to pay the extra money for an all original Grand National that’s in good shape that I can drive on non rainy Sundays during the summer. Yes I said it non rainy Sunday during summer!
Back on topic… Yes that site sucks! Some guy already flamed me there so Im just going to take Bings addvice and do nothing but flame on. Since I never really flame anyone here because your all great and I have respect for all the people here! I will flame the crap out of everyone there and see how long it will take to get booted from there :lol: .


There was another gn that someone was sellin there a couple weeks ago, seemed stock and was in very good condition, check it out.

Rice is good. I like rice. I like gull wing doors etc. what you like on your car does not mean other people will like it too. My car has a lot of useless rice on it, if you don’t like it, fine, as long as i like it, i don’t care what other people think.

a lowered supra or 240 may seem real nice to me, however a lowered neon would be rice to me.

my battery relocation is so rice, you can’t even see it when you pop the hood.

True Say Quincy…

I agree with you and even I have a limit to what I call rice and what I don’t. It all depends on what you have done to your car and how you have done it. Some peoples idea or standard of rice or not is higher or lower then others, I would say mine is prety low, the way I look at it is if your car is put together by nothing but canadian tire parts then that is pure rice. All show, no go to me is rice. Others have different point of views so it all varies on personal preference.

i post my video’s on there to show other niagarines whos boss.

Im not on TSR, but im on VM and that is super rice club, sometimes its just about the cars, maybe if the people are nice and you get along with eachother then it works out…

Vm is like that…there is tones of shit on that msg board that is usless to someone that doesn’t know any of the people, but it ends up being inside jokes…and all that jazz…and car stuff…and tones and tones of Rice

having access to lotta classifide sections is always a bonus

Stock GN = teh big brown loaf!

Hey keep in mind a stock Grand National is much faster then a any Stock 240sx. No I don’t like to admit it either but it’s reality. Now when it comes to handeling it’s a whole different story.

Can’t compare apples and oranges boys.

Stock 240sx = teh big brown loaf

:lol: Okay boMex what isn’t a big brown loaf to you? :lol:

Most stock vehicles rub me the wrong way, they are too soft and civilized. I’m really liking the new mustang but stock it is still teh big brown loaf. The only cars that work really well stock are soo $$$$ that they too get teh big brown loaf stamp of approval.