Warped Tour 09 (7/16)

Every year I see this thread get the exact same comments: “Meh, it sucks now,” “not worth the money” blah blah blah…

Although I feel the lineup has gotten progressively worse for even my taste, im still gonna try to make it out as you really do get to see so many bands for a decent price.


Even you punk/ska guys have a little something to look forward to :confused:

Anyone gonna be there?

Less Than Jake and NOFX still play shows?

Haha apparently

im going

Yes and there still good.I was just at the warped tour in toronto and it was a fun time fore sure.Ill be going to this one to.

Those are a lot of bands that I have not heard of. No thank you.

Since I am not familiar with these bands, are they going to have a local band stage? like edge fest does?

double post FAIL

Yeah I believe thats what the Kia Kevin Says Stage is. They always have one.

underoath, and A day to Remember

only two i planning on trying to see

last time i went to a warped tour event there was 4 or 5 stages

dont trust a ho
never trust a ho
dont trust a ho
dont trust me

There is always at least 5.

Haha I actually found out about 3OH!3 last year from warped tour. I had just wandered from this hardcore bands stage that I liked in this really epic thrash mood, and all of a sudden I see them playing and its like a dance party in the middle of field. Needless to say I fell in love but dammit I have heard that song sooooo many times over the last year.

it hit satellite radio in december. once it hit kiss and wild 101 and the billion other stations like them in like feb. it was all over

my gf asked me why im not going even though i listen to half or more of those bands…my answer “to many posers and d bags that will ruin the concert” and i rather not have to deal with people crashing into me and drunk people

Shit it’s tomorrow? 'Bout to go to the warped tour. I have off tom. You can still get tickets at the door right?

A couple of awesome bands. Bad Religion, Gallows, Less Than Jake, NOFX, Flogging Molly, Anti-Flag (not awesome, but I’ll watch them and feel like I’m in 7th grade again),

Posers yes, but Warped Tour is pretty much the only concert over the summer where I DONT see sloppy drunk kids. Id say most people are there for the music even if it is the 2 poppiest bands they know there.

Yeah Dawn you can get em at the door.

big d and the kids table, how could anyone resist?

Haha and Streetlight Manifesto … this seems to be a ska kids dream lol.

To bad at the warped in toronto this year you STILL couldnt get a skank pit going :frowning:

P.S. This is Jailbait central

OMG every year I need to go home and wash the filth off me (literally and figuratively). Soooo many bangin cuties!!!