Just saw the commercial for this. Someone in marketing is either clueless or is laughing their ass off.
“sir, theres not enough space for the whole word”
" i dont care!!! just make it work!!!"
actually I was talking about “foaming pipe snake”
i dont get it
it refers to a penis?
man i just killed this thread
You’re SMRT. Sorry, I didn’t have enough room for the ‘A’.
:lol: @ pipe snake. I hope I don’t get the FPS after that party last night.
this thread’s not going places.
i dunno, i just bought that exact bottle to clean up girlfriend hairballs out of the shower. I didn’t find it funny, and the foaming pipe snake did its job for me.
Whatever the joke is, that stuff works well on slow drains. For clogged drains you need a gel.
Who knew? :gotme: It actually is normally spelled “Liquid Plumr”
As for thinking “foaming pipe snake” is funny, the plumber’s tool used to clean drain pipes is typically referred to as a “snake.” As in “snaking out a drain.” This product forms a foam when used, and cleans out pipes, hence the name.
…Just thought I would put the nail in this thread’s coffin…
skeet skeet
it took me at least two replies to see the joke.
If you know anything about plumbing then there is nothing wrong with that.
BTW, check your toilet, you might have a problem with your ballcock.
^^ Now thats funny
:mamoru: +karma