WTB: Pipe snake

Well, weeks of my GF flushing hairballs and tampons and dick medicine down the toilet has finally caught up with me. No amount of plunging or drano is going to take care of this problem.

Can I rent a pipe snake somewhere?
Does anyone have one I could use?
Should I just call JEG?
Should I call a REAL plumber.

I feel like this is my fault, not the landlord’s so it’s my responsibility, not his.

she flushes her tampons? yikes.

I have one somewhere, I had to use it a ton last spring on a house I was working on, let me try to find it.

They’re generally cheap and can get them at Lowe’s, Home Depot, pluming stores etc.

How long of a snake do you need?

IDK what the fuck she flushes

do you flush your tampons?

I don’t know how long i need, I can’t see it being more than 50 feet. I kind of wanted something motorized.

isn’t this what landlords are for?

normally, but i feel like this is user error.

Do you have access to your sewage drain pipe(s)? If not you may need a professional depending on what damage she caused, but I would try to snake it out first to save some money.

I found that a manual snake worked well for me.

I have a manual snake at home but I won’t be there til tomorrow night.

Yellow pages ? Tool rental ? Simple.

i bought one at Canadian tire for $30…

you can borrow mine if you want… it fixed our sink in like 15 minutes.

:tup: to actually being a decent human being and not using/taking advantage of the system like the rest of the world.Dare I say if more people were like you the world would be a better place?!?!?Much respect man!

I have one you can borrow if you need, I will be home all day.

Joe the Plumber might have something to say about this. Thanks for taking jobs away from hard-working Americans, you terrorist.

Who doesn’t flush tampons?

LOL at blaming your gf on your massive vegan storms.

way to turn this offtopic…

I would call the landlord and see what they suggest. He might offer to do it or tell you to handle it.