anyone here a plumber?

well, silly problem at my apartment/duplex…our drain is plugged somewhere between the house and the street…my landlord is cheap and an asshole, so i dont want to call him cause he will come and try to do it himself and when we flush the toilet it backs up into the stationary tub in the basement…someone have a “snake” and want to come help me out by snaking the line from the vent pipe out front up to the house?

this really sucks cause i have to shit

liquid plumber gel does wonders bro. try it out. i just used it in my shower…and its like a brand new shower. good luck.

edit: saw it was a toilet… not sure if you can use it on a toilet…?

stop using paper towels…lol and stop flushing your tampons

Commpressed air ?

You are actually better off calling the landlord before paying someone and expecting the landlord to take it off the rent. So unless you get this fixed for free, talk to the landlord. Besides they usually get scared when you tell them how the shit is backing up everywhere and staining the walls probably lowering property value…lol

ps. I think you can rent roto-routers(spelling?) from hectors hardware.

Call your landlord.

I’d call my landlord.

But if you want to try fixing it yourself go buy a 12’ section of the cheapest metal pipe you can find. Then buy one of the special street line plungers. They look like a cross between an upside down wine glass and a plunger. They are small enough to fit tightly down the access pipe in the front yard. Screw that onto the end of the pipe, secure it real well with some pipe clamps, and plunge the vent in your front yard. I know Hectors carries them because that’s where I got mine. Really slam that thing down there and the air pressure it creates in the pipe will clear anything but roots in the pipe. If roots are the problem a plumber will have to come use and auger to cut them out.

About a year after buying my house we had a backup in the line to the street. I called a plumber and he came out and did this, line opened right up. He suggested I build one of these plungers myself and for about $20 in parts it was a great investment. I’ve used it 2 or 3 times since.

I had the same problem at my house for a while, except it was the laundry backing up and overflowing in the basement.

The liquid plumber type products only work on organic waste, so if you plugged it with a massive dump give it a try. If the line is plugged with laundry lint, tree roots, or whatever, it needs to be snaked.

Kenmore Renting Co Inc
1297 Kenmore Ave
Buffalo, NY 14217
(716) 873-2796

I’ve rented a bunch of stuff from that guy, including 100’ augers ($30 for a day). Cheap, and his stuff works. Plus he knows how to do anything so take his advice if he tells you how to do something.

But, as mentioned, you rent. The only upside to renting is that you don’t have to handle the hog. Call him and tell him that waste is backing up. If he doesn’t respond I’m sure he’d be interested to hear that you’re contacting a public health inspector.

If you try draino… If it’s “slow” use a foaming product, if it’s “plugged” use a gel.

yeah, its real slow going down. ive tried a plunger in the stationary tub drain, tried plunging the toilet, dumped “do-it” brand drain opener in both the stationary tub and the bathroom sink, and no dice. after i used the drain opener though it pushed alot of lint-like crap up into the stationary tub when i flushed the toilet a few times. i also tried to snake the drain from the stationary tub but it just bent the bejesus out of the snake line

Sounds like the main line to the sewer needs to be augered. Not that hard of a job, but nothing you should have to do. I wouldn’t do it if I didn’t own the place, so that the guy doesn’t blame me for a big problem like a collapsed pipe if nothing else.

Probably just plugged up with laundry lint, tree roots, etc.

you cant use liquid plummR in a toliet… it says so in the box

yeah, im currently trying a sulfuric acid based industrial drain clog remover. if this doesnt work, ill be calling the landlord and letting him know the sewer line outside is plugged and causing wastewater to back up into the stationary tub. im pretty sure its a mass amount of lint, when we moved in there was no lint trap on the laundry line to the tub, and ours must have been missing the past week or so cause it was gone too. must have been full/thrown out by the roomate…pray this works. the landlord doesnt know we have cats and a third roomate. grrrr

Do you have access to the street drain via a pipe in the front yard? Shine a flashlight down there and see if the water isn’t moving.

I have a snake and will come help if you need man. I worked as a plumber at Darien Lake all summer so I have a pretty good grasp on the basics.

Nick I got I can give you our plumbers # when i get out of work, he went to school with my dad and hes awsome, but Its sounds like its somthin the landlord should take care of, what if somthin happened ya know, but I’ll give you the # if you want it, hes good.

yeah man if someone can come lend a hand that would be great, i cant seem to find the vent pipe out in the front by the street, and i tried opening up the “clean-out” but the clog is after that, and there are two 90* bends between the cleanout and the problem area. plus i dont fully understand how to use a snake cause i cant seem to get one more than a foot or two into the piping with those bends and crap. i just suck. i called my dad last night and he gave me all kinds of pointers on how to try and fix it and nothing has worked. god dam i really cant afford a plumber and dont want to deal with my cheap ass landlord who is just going to come and try to do it himself.

I wouldnt even touch it. If you break something your liable.

again, you CANT use drain cleaner to clean out anything but sink and tub train clogs…

Between the house and the street? Go to Wegmans and take a shit there, while on the pot, call the landlord and tell him the problem, and while he’s on the phone, comment that the price of imodium AD has gone way up.

Like others said, don’t break something trying to do it yourself. You rent, it’s one of the “advantages” to renting.


I think his issue is he has some cleaning up to do before he can call a landlord, ie removing evidence of cats and a 3rd roommate.

You are silly to try to deal with this yourself, its way easier to stash the cats and the roomate somewhere…