sewer drain, call town or not?

I have a little water backup in my basement. I think the line in front of the house is clogged up.

The drain in the floor in my basement is not draining at all.

Of course this happens after 5pm when every place is closed.

I’m trying to think if I should call the town of west seneca tomorrow, will they snake it for free?

Or call a drain service?

My dad gave me a number to advanced sewer if all else fails.

dont know about WS but in buffalo its your own problem

Check with your neighbors.If theirs are fine you will be paying for it.I’d call your sewer GUY ASAP and you are going to pay and waiting won’t make it better.just more to clean up

Also if you neeed a guy-Jay 418 9888.Tell him Derek sent you and he usually will take cars of you

Thanks DEREK…

I got a guy coming out tomorrow…

My upstairs tenant left her kitchen sink water running for over a fucking day!

That may have contributed to the water…

I’m so pissed right now, its still not going down. I’ll have it jetted tomorrow.

Chances are the problem is between the sidewalk and your house, which means the town doesn’t give a damn.

My guess, it’s roots in the pipe. Have someone snake the main line.

As a temporary fix you can probably get it flowing again if you have an access pipe in your front yard. Look for a pipe about 4" in diameter sticking up somewhere between the sidewalk and your house. If you have one go to Hectors Hardware and ask tell them you need the plunger for the access pipe to your main line. Chances are they’ll know what you’re talking about because they’re Hectors, not the idiots at Home Depot or Lowes. Basically it’s a small plunger head the size you would need to shove down that access pipe in the yard.

Next get a long piece of the cheapest pipe they have (12 foot or so should do) the right size to attach to the plunger, and a couple good pipe clamps to secure the plunger to the pipe. Be sure it’s secured real well because I’m guessing losing it in the main line would make the clog much much worse.

Now take your monster plunger and slam it down that access pipe. If the pipe is full watch out for spray. I’m willing to bet you’ll hear it release and the water will go down. Almost instantly. Shine a flashlight down there and you should be able to see the water flow when someone flushes in the house. You should still get it snaked but this will allow you to get it done during normal business hours (much cheaper) without having to let shit keep overflowing into your basement.

A plumber who has came out to snake my line gave me that tip no long after buying my house. It’s worked twice since for me and my neighbor has borrowed my 12 foot plunger to do his once.

EDIT: If you want to drive to Williamsville you’re welcome to borrow mine. Hauling around a 12 foot pipe that’s been down a shit drain several times (hosed off afterwords of course) wouldn’t be high on my list if I didn’t have a pickup though. :slight_smile:

LOL I had one of those plungers when I bought my house.A while later I had a plug and did what you said to do do above which works great.Only problem was the end part fell off which didn’t fully plug it but it would severely limit the flow.After water coming up into my sauna(not crystal blue water mind you,but at least not high enough to touch the cedar sides)I had to have a very skinny buddy of mine reach down and grab it out!!!I at least gave him a garbage bag to cover his arm.,which I thought was nice of me.Mine was only down about 3ft though so it could be reached fine.

I just had the same problem, with a larger basement flood issue.

I ended up doing the work myself. The 4" lateral (pipe from house to street) was collapsed:

Rented one of these:

Did some of this:

Cut out the old nastiness

Installed new hotness, concrete bedded the bastard in:

Ended up with what looks to be a dolphin buried in my front yard:

Total investment, including Bobcat rental and materials: $325

Wait…do you have separate storm and regular sewers? If you have a dedicated storm sewer, then leaving water on shouldn’t make a difference.

Go to HD and rent the snake. it took me less than a hour to pick it up, snake it and return it. cost me about 55 bucks.

Or pay a private plumber to do it. Last time it cost me $75, and I didn’t have to transport a snake covered in who know’s how many people’s feces in one of my vehicles. I’m a huge DIY guy, but for $20 someone else can deal with the feces.

haha, My uncle in law transported it for me and did the work lol. I paid for it and helped lift it in and out of the truck. 75 isnt bad, a lady at work just paid something like 125 or so.

make sure you call before you dig

Ended up calling a plumber service about half a mile from my house.

The guy came by in literally five minutes.

125 bucks including tax.

It took him 20 minutes, I was pissed it looks really easy.

Next time I’ll buy the fucking tool.

^ Wait, did he snake it or just use the plunger like I described?

Because if he didn’t snake it you’re just going to end up with a backup again in a couple weeks.

He snaked it man… I wouldn’t pay someone to use the plunger method, but I do like your DIY…

Had the same problem when i first got my house. Turns out the dumb bitches that lived here before kept tossin theyre nasty tampons in the toilet, the Roto Rooter guy pulled out gobs of the fuckin things! dumb broads! It was my problem, not the towns, Paid 165 for the douche to do about 20 minutes of work. he used a power snake which you can rent for like $50