Any Amherst (Snyder/Eggertsville) residents having sewer issues today?

​Anyone in Amherst, Synder/Eggertsville specifically having issues with there sewer?

Noticed it is backing up a bit in my basement (not flooded yet) but called Roto Rooter they said Amherst had lots of service calls and the earliest they could come out was tomorrow. Roys couldn’t come unitl much later and told me same thing, plus they charge a service call. Called Town Highway Department and they said it probably is but don’t know for sure and would send someone out but couldn’t give me a time-frame.

I have a rental in Amherst right in the flood zone. As long as u have a good sump pump and it set up right. Let it run for days and days.

Feel free to txt me if u have any questions or issues

My house is a natural drain in the basement, no sump pump.

      • Updated - - -

Well town came and the main is flowing right now, They told me it probably did backup which caused something to probably plug my line.

Bad buy in the first place!!! Good luck man. I was over there this morning and the yard was wet and garage had a little water. Basement was dry. It’s wet over there and going to get worse

Call your town or city sewer department first, not roto rooter. I work for Buffalo sewer, they will come and see if your main, receivers are plugged first. If still backing up they will check your lateral to the main through your fresh air vent. Usually the main is plugged causing your lateral to back into your house/basement.

Main is not plugged they came and looked.

Look like this yet?

Ahhh, so that’s what many feet of snow melted by rain and 45 degree weather looks like. Hopefully you’re dry out there.

No and holyshit.

I am not in any flood plain thankfully but this natural drain sucks when shit like this happens. The drain needed snaked but I figured it’d be ok until spring. Never fails…

Hmm. Tonawanda is pretty dry.

My basement is wet but not flooded. Amherst/Millersport area

Friend of a friend who works at Drain Doctor will be here shortly, doing me a solid and took a extra a call.

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Same here. Hydrostatic pressure for you too? My sumps are working fine, there are a few sections of foundation that just aren’t sealed I guess.

Good deal…hope it’s a quick/cheap fix for ya.

Just got up to check my house here in NT and one section is a little wet. Finished basement so I pulled up the rug and towel dried, put the rug up on exercise balls and then placed fans blowing at them.

Neighbor across the street of my rental has a couple inches in his. His neighbor just had an addition and new driveway and now his basement walls leak w heavy rain.

From Amherst Emergency Services… (a good one to follow on Facebook if you live in Amherst)

Just to update! Between 12am and 3am we received a large amount of rain which overwhelmed a lot of storm drains. As a result rain water has backed up sanitary sewers into a lot of homes. This is occurring across the town. Town crews have been working all night. Please use caution around any storm drains that may be plugged. Once they are cleaned of debris and they start taking water the force of the flowing water can be extremely powerful. Also, please be advised the creeks in our town are at flood stage. Please monitor here and or local media for emergency orders or updates.

My trap was plugged, took the guy all of 5 minutes to fix.

My garage flooded out today, but that is because it’s in a flat spot that accumulates water. I’ve had a problem as of lately with parking cars in there as the water that drops off the cars has no where to go, so it puddles against the footer. I went out today and drilled some holes in the concrete, then connected the holes with an 1/8" trench with my saw. Hoping this solves my problem in the future. As for now, I have removed the water that came in from last night.

post a pic of what you did ^^^^^

town of tonawanda here … dry as a bone … sump pump running normally … oh yeah … i also have a check valve installed on my sewer line at the curb … thats the best $1500 investment ever

Smart move. Do they put them in usually or did you request it?