WTB: Pipe snake

dude, vegans dont have poo.

people who actually own their homes thats who. renters do it and dont give a fuck. dummies.

In for pics…

pipe snakes can go right thru pvc, just a FYI



been there, done that, a few people learned from that mistake.

women who don’t want to clog their pipes?

Take the one from Derrick…I know Terry let’s people use it.

I didn’t read all the replies but it is easier to just call a plumber. Pipe snakes are a pain in the ass.

Yo ucan barrow mine if you want though. Just come pick it up.

Ohh, I didn’t know we had one, that’s a good idea.

I’m not certain there are tampons down there, I just wouldn’t be surprised…

retard question inc;
Do the pipes still get clogged up even if you have one of those toilets that can flush 2 dozen golf balls in one flush?
since… its the pipes getting clogged and not the toilets… but if the toilet forces it down enough… it wouldn’t get stuck…

There’s a smaller one in the maintenance office across from the cafeteria. I’m not sure if it’s motorized or not. Then there is one that is locked up in the closet next to the gym stairs. That one is motorized, Terry has the key for it.

I agree, as a landlord, I would like to know that you are doing this before you do it. That is nice of you to offer to fix it for him.

ha i almost thought this was a nws topic by the title haha

What kind are you looking for again?
Sri Lankan Pipe Snake?http://www.naturephoto-cz.com/photos/sevcik/sri-lankan-pipe-snake--cylindrophis-maculatus.jpg

Pipe, snake?
Or you could just call this guy… He knows all about snakes

^^^ hahahaha ^^^^^

Uh. If you don’t flush your tamps that’s fucking gross. Unless you have a septic system, you should flush that shit. 7 years of me flushing, and however many years of my mom flushing, and we’ve never had a fucking problem.

so that makes it right?


you should just call the landlord. It may be a crushed pipe or a clog by the street.

flushing tampons makes plumber’s crack Jesus cry.