Watch Crew: What to buy?

Are there decent places to find used watches?

I’ll feel pretty cool with a fit bit on my opposite wrist.

The aura rings are a pretty good alternative to a lame watch. My boss does wear two tho

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Buddy is selling this for 35k if anyone is interested.

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Oh, only $35k?

I might be able to swing it after I… (checks accounts)…sell all my cars and put wife up to auction in Russia.

Sorry. I dont have Bing money … yet.

honestly that is a really nice piece and an okay price. i saw one of those available in Orlando from the AD but i dont recall what the MSRP is on them. I am not in the market for a WG piece like that right now but i could be sometime in the future and i would be interested in that piece.

i’ve turned a profit on every watch i’ve ever owned and always traded up so really i’ve never spent a dollar on a watch other than the ones that i have now which are also worth considerably more than i paid.

if you’re looking for a good grey market dealer i recommend crossing the border and visiting Harmony Jewellers in Grimsby Ontario. your dollar goes way further and the Canadian market is often 5-10% cheaper anyways than the US market for luxury goods. Chris is the watch manager and Kevin is the owner. You can use my name as a reference. I have bought several from them and referred many others:

He definitely picked the wrong watch to flip, that’s for sure.

Great piece though. Rarely seen in the wild.

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Fancy for me #14 of 200


can you wear it upside down, I like the internals lol


i dont get what that is measuring.

any chart that suggests the apple watch is the best of anything is pretty sus.

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