Watch out for road shit

Among getting hit by traffic and shit jumping out into my lane from nowhere, road shit is the other thing I fear the most when street riding.


Eyes up, stop focusing on the road ten feet in front of you :dunno

Like a buckling horse. :wow

what did he hit?

thats why i hate riding in traffic on the highway, hard to see whats in the road up ahead.

just stupid imo…
down south (florida from my experience) gets a shit ton of sand washing off those
medians/rain gutters on the sides of the road.

you can see all the sand when the camera-bro slows down…funny that the bike made it across the street, over the curb, and into the trees :retardclap

Ha thats what you get for trying to be a cowboy cruising in a t shirt

x 5 mins worth lol i love that