had a good time… the guy doing the burn out next to the cop was funny. chris i thought you were going to get run over a few times there.
definitely a nice turn out kinda wish i brought a jacket oh well
All Motor FYI its a SS2000
Great turnout guys. Hopefully this become a regular event.
Don’t run over Guffey!!
he came over to get in my car and some douche canoe came flying past…i thought guffey and my door were done for
lol i need directions for race wars
All i know is that its in the Desert
i sure hope he has sand tires on
“can i do a wheelie?”
doh! i have some SS stickers for ya man!
hahah i thought he was a done for
hahaha RACE WARS!!! i know what your into and i want in it!!! classic nite, just needs to get a lil warmer
oh ya wayne, u like ur tire shine? "
yeah fuck you asshole lol i got up this morning and washed that shit off
hahahaha why its sooooooo shiny!!!
the computer crashed so I didnt know if the first post worked
i cant do that kind of tire shine
dont worry he would have hit me b4 your door
but the important thing is he didnt
some douche bag runs over our mascot, there will be hell to pay :rant: :bash:
We might need to get him a bright orange hunter’s sweatshirt so he can be seen.
no, then people will think he’s a speed bump