wayne concert

or should i say ludacris concert
lil wayne :tdown:
ludacris :tup:

n e 1 else go?
im pumped to get my money back

I’m white so I will just let my black friends tell me how it was.

what happened now? wayne didnt show luda did?

a rapper didn’t show up for a concert? preposterous!

weezy f bitch

He didn’t show? That’s lame.

fixed :slight_smile:

HA no talent HA

you must be high

ok maybe i should of said who gives a fuck about all rappers, they all suck.


not really,

im not one to listen to rap much, but i realize there is some talented rappers out there.

i could have went to this…glad i didnt

would have been 75 bucks GONEEEE:eekdance:

clearly you dont listen to it much because weezy sucks balls.

i am a fan of hip hop/rap and weezy is only good at selling records, he is TERRIBLE otherwise.


i hate listening or seeing wayne live… his cds are amazing but he sucks live

Hey, he probably got involved in a drive by shooting or robbery, give the guy a break.

He is probably still driving around with some TVs in the back of his Escalade.

ok jeg

I dont even know who this weezy character is.

he’s a primadonna pussy. ‘i dont like the sound set up im walking’… i cant stand these fucks.

getting a refund n00b


seriously … i wish i would have, getting a free Luda show instead of a $75 Wayne show!