Wayyy Too Sexy!


I can’t get over these cars!

Also one of the mechanics at that shop is selling this one:


So you liked it too eh??


if you can find one, buy it. there was one forsale here a little while ago…it was red…needed alot of restoration…but was beautiful.

That was Spilners. I’m not sure if it sold or not. I know the thread got locked but not sure if the car sold.

Definitely nice looking car. I prefer them to be LS-X powered my self… but that’s just me.

Spilners car is sold.
MY 280Z is not for sale,
My clients 260z is not for sale.

We can find you more, but MSSC does not have any more 240, 260, or 280 Z for sale on site.

The car looks pretty nice, but IMO the SR does not belong in there… nor does the s13 dash.

Even with the V-mount, there is still romo for 2 more cylinders in there.
As for the dash, the s13 dash is not very appealing, especially in something like that beast. be could have done a few things differently, but that is just my HO… to each their own.

I’ll second that. I’ve seen some very nice modern adaptations of the original style dash which keeps with the three center gauge design but makes it flow nicer into a revised center console. I’ll have to find picture. That’s always what I wanted to do with mine but there time or money for that now.

The S13 dash is way too bland for a car with style like the Z.

ur right the sr does not belong in there…it needs the RB power lol…theres so much room…HOLY shit is that ever a clean SR though…Im not a fan of sr’s but its such a clean engine

i like the s13 dash personally because its nice and simplistic but the original dash would be nicer with some mods

the Cluster makes me want to do something like that with my cluster…it looks good u could add in ur oil pressure and water temp aftermarket gauges in there…a nice big tach in the middle haha

Definitely :cool:

But what’s with the narrowband AFR gauge? :hsugh:

A compilation video of this car on google video:


I personally think the dash looks awesome, and clean in there.
You’ll see they bored out the sr20 to a certain degree and its creating enough power and torque to have lots of fun in a light car like that as you’ll all see in the video!


Here’s another beauty for you guys.


I would have shared these earlier but was too lazy to post and click the search button to check if it had been posted before I didn’t feel like getting flamed by the “search button patrol” just in case it was a repost. LOL jk :stuck_out_tongue:

At any rate here is the link to his site.


wheres the porn ?

LOL Vlad! it’s hotter than your gay porn…

Check your history folder


What was the difference between the 240z, 260z, and 280z?

Found it:

The 240Z and 260Z used twin one-barrel side-draft SU-like carburetors that were difficult to tune. The carburetors were changed for model year 1973 to comply with emissions regulations, but the earlier carburetors were far superior for performance. Fuel injection (L-Jetronic electronic fuel injection, designed by Bosch) was added for the 280Z in 1975.