a sport bike that Jesse built. maybe he’ll start making more of them
just my $.02
Originally posted by ohsoquik02
a sport bike that Jesse built. maybe he’ll start making more of them
aah looks like a buell that he just stripped the fenders and tank
its actually a honda that jesse helped design… they may put it into production.
:down: Im so sick of the Jesse James and OCC sack riders.
Originally posted by Darkstar
:down: Im so sick of the Jesse James and OCC sack riders.
tell me about it… they now sell WCC t-shirts at Wal Mart. Fucking WAL MART! Could Jesse possibly sell out any harder?
Originally posted by 1320
tell me about it… they now sell WCC t-shirts at Wal Mart. Fucking WAL MART! Could Jesse possibly sell out any harder?
yeah i saw that and thought the exact same thing… But then again i suppose he’s just a retailer supplying a demand. I dont think you or I would be complaining about having a 7 digit merchandising royalties check coming in once a month…
What makes me sick is all the fags that were never into choppers and started watching the shows and then feel the need to go out and buy all their shit. I was never into choppers, but i love to watch monster garage and OCC… I do not however feel to pay lots of money to be a walking advertisement for their show…
i like jesse james bikes…he is all original and comes up with his own ideas…occ on the other hand is mostyly about tv comming up with some stupid looking bikes…and the only reason why i watch american choppers is to watch them fight…in i think that is mostly sataged for tv
Originally posted by slowcamaro
i like jesse james bikes…he is all original and comes up with his own ideas…occ on the other hand is mostyly about tv comming up with some stupid looking bikes…and the only reason why i watch american choppers is to watch them fight…in i think that is mostly sataged for tv
Plus Jesse makes all his own stuff from scratch…wheels, gas tanks, etc…
OCC has a lot of their stuff done by other shops, and they just put it all together and do the fabication.
Both show are ok…It is getting a little to commercial, but what did you expect.
Jesse does have some decent rides though…sometimes you see them on the show, and he was on funk flex’s show, displaying all his rides.
I’m getting a little tired of monster garage
been watching more of monster house & junkyard wars.
Originally posted by Darkstar
What makes me sick is all the fags that were never into choppers and started watching the shows and then feel the need to go out and buy all their shit. I was never into choppers, but i love to watch monster garage and OCC… I do not however feel to pay lots of money to be a walking advertisement for their show…
you can pic up a WCC or OCC shirt down the strip off some chineese guy for like $4. :ugh:
monster house is equivlant to watching
TRADING SPACES or the other gay shows on TLC.
i like them both
im wearing a wcc hat! guess im a person darkstar hates!
actually my dad does alot of business at the fire station right down the street from his shop and has met him a bunch of times and been taken around the shop so when hes there he pics me up a shirt or something
he got me a hatt about 3 years ago so am i jumping on the band wagon nahh
do i respect the guy, yes anyone on here that dosnt take a look in there wallet, he started his business working out a shed and built it to what it is today
sell out i think not
someone that is orginal
just my 2c’
that bike would look better if it was all blacked out.
monster garage is kinda cheesy but i still watch it. just like i watch sooper2nertv and nopitoonervision.
Originally posted by peterock17
monster garage is kinda cheesy but i still watch it. just like i watch sooper2nertv and nopitoonervision.
i watch that also …great looking woman
i love that host. she’s hot as shit.
its ugly