Local bike builder VS orange county choppers?? :)

Thought this was funny.

soooo many things could be said.

I was surprised how articulate he was.
The 200K house portion could have been skipped.

It would be interesting if this would happen. I would even put the possibility at 1.3%

love it. would watch.

200K home lol.

I’d prolly watch it, that show wouldn’t be a bad idea.

I guess the guy works at towne mazda or one of the towne dealerships.

i agree with him. but it dosen’t matter how much there bikes suck. they just make good tv because they argue all the time. and i think he confused hundred with million

ps. i want to party with this guy


A guy I get stuff form for my 58 farms during the day, builds bike out of his barn has a dyno and small machine shop. I have no doubt he could build better bikes than OCC.

i don’t know your guy but you are probably right. in their newer shows they don’t really build much of a bike at all. I really like watching whatever the jessie james show was back in the day. that was before OCC and before monster garage… which brings me to another point. monster garage rocked too before they got 40K worth of freebies every episode. oh lets build something out of this junker. but you get new engine, trans, suspension, rims, and a bunch of other garbage to help in the build…

meh… this guy is a retard… even if he can build great bikes, he’s still a retard…

with zero concept of money. (i think his bikes ugly too)

Ahhhh, I was hoping he would ride away at the end on his bike and he crashed, that would have been fucking great.

Wasn’t there a show that there was two teams in a junk yard and they could only use stuff from the junk yard??

junkyard wars i think it was called… I LOVED that show

Junkyard wars rules, I used to watch it all the time

JYW is still on disc sci


This guy is local? From where?

Don this guy has a very similar voice.

agreed, I just figured someone had an idea.

lol. I HIGHLY doubt some of the things they found in the junkyards just 'happened" to be in there.