we like drifting over here

i was messing around with manual focus on a lens i have never used manual on and i guess i shouldn’t of been because most of my pictures came out awful but heres some of the ones that didn’t come out like shit. back to auto mode except for non-moving vehicles for now :lol









the fearless flagger:




we had a nice rainbow to look over us:


wall ride:



i took some video too so maybe i’ll edit it later and see how shitty that turned out.

Some nice shots. Ron’s car is not nearly low enough.

I like the last one

is that a car in the wall i see? any more pics of that?

pics look good elliot!

looks good dude!!

Nice! You got a pic of the wall hit! :lol

The constant lighting changes fucked with my camera horribly. I had some pics that would have been absolutely awesome end up being grainy as fuck cause the camera was all confused or there was water on the lense

awesome event nice to meet u guys.

What, no damage pics?!

Is that not good enough?? :lol

We have some sick off roading video :stuck_out_tongue:

i could deal with the lighting changes, i was shooting in raw so if i needed to adjust the exposure a little bit i could but i just had too many photos that were too blury. then my hands were so cold that i had to stop taking photos until they warmed back up.

the 240 that did the wall ride didn’t really have much damage, they yellow z broke his front lip but no good pictures of that, nothing else besides muddy cars.

pics look good dude

Was Michael the one who put the 240 into the wall?

nah it was some guy from CT

Marco put his hatch into the wall and all it did was push the fender and bumper in. He still drove the entire event and back home to CT.

so i was going to post video but the video is shit so i’m not going to. i’ll bring my video camera on friday if anyone wants to take video but i’ll prob just be taking pics.

who now owns the red 240 wit the goldish wheels ? that is a old friends car and he wanted to know if it was the same setup or diff

that’s tungsten’s red hatch with the gold 5 spokes.