We, the people...

Source please.

BTW, a corporation of AIG’s size spending 440k on anything company morale related is nothing.

AIG had a big party right after the buy out. I know Lehman brothers gave some golden parachutes on the way out but not sure about AIG. I wouldn’t doubt it.

Golden parachutes are in contracts. Financial trouble doesnt mean companies can ditch on money they’ve agreed to pay execs.

The Federals seem to think it’s an issue? But, again, we are fed the overall details and not the specifics.


LOL That’s awesome. Was your PR rep on vacation that day or something, AIG?

Left-wingers that bitch about pay cuts expect CEO’s to throw away million+ pay plans because “it’s a lot of money.” The fair way to do it is have everyone in the company take a 5% pay decrease. How well would that go over? :rofl Love to be at the water cooler after that memo.

Annoy a liberal: Work hard, succeed, and be happy.

Im all messed up politically, I go by the work hard and succeed mantra, but I am viewed on many other things as being very liberal.

Welfare? Immigration?

I have an issue with welfare and immigration, I was thinking more along the lines of drug law, abortion, healthcare (to an extent), and gay marriage to name some.

I’m going to regret this, but until Shawn shows up… ;D

Drug law - Not a fan of loosening them up. We have enough stupidity in this country already.

Abortion - Not touching that one…

Healthcare - Should be a business, not a right. I dont feel like paying for some kids sniffles and he shouldn’t have to pay for mine.

Gay marriage - Dont care, just dont be making out on primetime television or anywhere near me.

America, love it or leave it.

Damn straight Bubba.

Turn on your phone and call me J!

Drugs, I think Marijuana should be legal, because I honestly feel it is safer than alcohol and it could potentially be a huge moneymaking plant for they US (with propper regulation of course) Most of the laws in place for alcohol could just be made to include cannabis.

Healthcare: I think universal healthcare is stupid, but also having a large population of people who cant afford it is not good either. I think that if you are not that wealthy and need health care the govt should provide you with discounts or free care as long as you meet requirements showing that you are at least working/trying to find work, etc…

Abortion, touchy subject but I think that the right to choose is a necessary evil.

Gay Marriage, go for it I could care less

Same as welfare. If the gov is going to come in and give it away for free, what’s the incentive to work hard? Socialism + America = lazy people. The thought of paying for some smoker’s lung cancer treatment is hilarious, I dont care how poor he is or how unmotivated he was at his dead end job.

Seriously? Go look up Medicaid. It dosen’t solve every single persons issue of not having healthcare but it helps a LOT of people.

And to the OP. You may think all of these domestic car companies are shit. Good for you. Here is what you left out of your story. One reason we lose our jobs in this country and even money is because we send OUR shit out to other countries to be manufactured because it is cheap labor. Do you have any idea of the economic ramifications that losing our domestic cars would have? You say they made bad decisions? No, our governement made bad decisions and now everyone is suffering. There are PLENTY of domestic cars that get decent gas mileage but people continue to by foreign. If more people bought domestic cars the companies would be doing much better.

People don’t exactly buy cars solely for gas milage. They buy them for quality as well, which is something ALL domestic manufacturers lack.

I do agree that marijuana would be a big moneymaker. Hell, look at the amount of money still made off of cigs for their respective states, even though they are expensive as hell people still buy them. But, do you really think the pharmaceutical industry is going to let the government take money away from them? Think about all of the medicinal uses of pot and the impact it would have on that industry, and then consider how much that industry fills the pockets of the Feds. Good ol’ nepotism at work. I also agree that it is hypocritical considering that alcohol is legal when pot isn’t, considering the physiological and legal ramifications from abusing alcohol vs. marijuana.

I chuckle every time I hear someone use Canada’s universal healthcare system as a rebuttal. Sure, it’s great if you just need a follow up visit. Ever wonder why Canadians still come to the US for specialists though? Universal healthcare isn’t the answer. Making it more affordable is and not by dumping more taxpayer money into programs like Medicaid or HealthyNY. It’s called cracking down on frivilous lawsuits and fraudulent claims. Health insurance costs a LOT out of pocket. A lot of people, unfortunately, do not work for a company that offers health insurance. Like myself. I make enough of a living wage to afford a house and all the bills that come with it. I make over the threshold for Medicaid or HealthyNY programs. But, I can’t afford to shell out $1500 a month for just insurance. IMO it’s ridiculous that health insurance, which I feel is more of a necessity than car insurance, costs 5x as much. That $1500/mo gets me what? $40 deductibles, 75% coverage only, $500 emergency room, $750 admission/day, no prescription plan, and selective approvals for specialist coverage. It’s ludicrous. That barely covers anything. It’s more feasible for me to have no insurance, go the ER, and fill out their sliding scale paperwork. The system is fucked, plain and simple.

Abortion? People should need to apply for and obtain a license to breed. It would solve a lot of these problems and improve the gene pool. One abortion allowed in a lifetime, hey mistakes do happen but it shouldn’t be used a birth control method.

Gay Marriage-another moneymaker for municipalities. Those marriage fees do add up.

Back to the manufacturers, it is their fault. I gotta laugh every time I see a commercial happily claiming that 30mpg is efficient. My bf’s 80s CRX gets nearly 40mpg. My 95 TALON of all cars averages 33 mpg. You can’t tell me that after 2 darn decades there is nothing better out there than back then, excluding hybrids and electric cars (let’s keep apples to apples). I really don’t care if I can get 300HP for the same mpg as 140HP got me back then. As a consumer, I want the 40mpg at an OK HP without having to worry about $5,000 in batteries. 300+HP at a sacrificable mpg should be left for the toys and those who can afford them. As for quality, working in the towing industry, we tow A LOT of new toyotas, nissans, fords, BMWs, Mercedes, and GMs. We rarely ever tow new Mitsus, Dodges, or Subarus.

Vandal, whats wrong with a little competition? If pot is really going to take all this money from the pharm companies then that just means the public has decided that the pharm companies products arent as effective as another product out there. It could mean they will have to make a better product thus making their company and people who need effective medicine benefit

obviously if someone needs care and cant get it due to physical limitations that are not in their control then they should be helped out. I just cant stand the able bodies mooching off the system.

I’d bet money drug companies make 1000000x more money on ONE anti-depressant than ‘medicinal’ pot.

And the way the law is being written, the government will make a crap ton more off legal marijuana sale than Pfizer ‘makes’ them.

But I dont think pot should be legal. There are enough stupid people in the world. Imagine if the rest of the non-smoking population had a green light? People would sit around playing Xbox and painting pretty colors (at best) all day. Then the liberals would pass legislation forcing the hard working people to pay for their Cheetos. Fuck hippies.