We want to buy your forum

Hello, dear administrator . I am a representative of social advertising agency , and we need a specific site for advertising. We are interested in your forum . There is a proposal to sell it to us , or else to tell how much it will cost the placement of advertising on it and / or special code, which will rotate our advertising blocks. Cost and conditions , please send to: forumsbuyers2012@gmail.com Payment via PayPal Thank you for your attention.

You don’t want to buy this shit hole.

lol scam.

Hello ManagerHini,

Yes, our forum is for sale. Please contact our site administrator “Glitch” for more information. I will be glad to answer any questions in the mean time.



not sure if serious…

Dude with an email like forumsbuyers2012@gmail.com they are obviously serious business.

Dear buyer,

I accept your offer for purchase. Please bring $1,000,000 in small bills to me.



Josh and bing you spammed your own forum lol


Dear ManagerHini,
I would like to inform you that as of May 13th, 2012, Forums Buyers 2012 has been bought out by SON240sx.org. Thank you for your time with the company, however your services are no longer needed and you have 1 non-business days to get the fuck out and stop posting dumb shit on this forum.

Thank you for your attention,

Dear Managerhini,

This thread needs more hedgehogs.

My sincerest regards,

WNYFbody.com - 6 pack of PBR and a Louies takeout special.


James - site admin.


Normally I’d say you’re from EA.

However with the syntax, probably China or Singapore.

Lol. First thing I noticed as well

Wtf is this shit…

Fuck I will take you up on that offer I have a 12 pack in the fridge and louies is around the Conner from me.

Eat a dick.

Nice avatar, fag.

Id say this is a solid thread.

Sure, no one wants a piece of my Great Lakes AquA Mining Corp. but they want this abortion. They’ll buy it and sell pink Cavaliers and plus size lingerie.