
some are kinda badass … lol click through the images … i don’ tknow why they’re listed as ‘spooky’… what a stupid word to use :rolleyes:


Mobility Denial System is badass, it was just on tv a few weeks ago. The slime they spray on roads and fields makes them almost impossible to traverse. Its makes ice look like asphalt.

We use liquid polymer (or also known as floculant) at work to drop out the iron in mine water. It is some NASTY shit to work with. One drop (literally one drop) requires a few gallons on water to dilute it enough to remove. If you get it on you, your in for a LONG & SLIPPERY day

Hahahah the “Gay Bomb”

those are some pretty cool ideas

there was a whole thing about the bats on the history channel, funny thing is, it worked for them when the did a mock attack. showing that it acutally burned almost the whole city. where goign to go ahead with it but the Manhattan project came into play

I seen the bats on the military channel yesterday on a bomb episode… they said they ditched the project when many of the test bats crashed into farms in Cali setting them on fire :rofl:

I like the Rods from God… that shit would be nasty!

great article.


i don’t post anything but… fag

my bad

:love: :cuddle: