Wear your gear! Sumo vs deer

there really isn’t a lot out there for hip padding. tho i did see a pair of shorts that would have helped quite a bit, had hard plastic panels right where i got some of the worst brusing on the side of my thigh.
I’m better then most when it comes to wearing gear, but i’d say 99% of gear wearing riders wouldn’t have been wearing a garment that would have done much to protect thier side in the accident i was in.
never wearing anything other then a full face helmet tho. Really liked the idea of a modular one when i first started but i don’t think i’ll get even one of those. if i was wearing a brain bucket that day, i’ll be dead for sure. the crack in my helmet was just below and behind the ear, where there brain bucket doesn’t go lol. got brain hemoraging as it was.

except thier leather, idk maybe you are commonly out in leather pants lol.

i’ve been looking for a boot/shoe that gives decent protection but you can wear all day off the bike, i might have to check those out.

I STILL have a hematoma on my hip from my accident last November. Had it drained surgically in February and it came right back, so apparently I’m still bleeding somewhere in there :eek3

gonna have to get more major surgery on it soon

If i was a skinny man, i’d rock those armored shorts under my pants for sure. They dont make it in fatass sizes though :frowning:

I will go post a pic of my busted helmet too, and had some bad shit going on in my head too. It was a $600 carbon MX lid. I used to own some cheap $120 HJC specials for riding MX and trails and what not… NEVER again will I own anything other than a good CF or CK helmet.

The one reason I will never see myself owning a Harley either… you would look dumb in full gear and a full faced helmet… compared to everyone else. I will NEVER own or ride a half cut or beanie.

My wife is an RN. She took care of, and attempted to take care of a few riders that went down. The stuff she tells me will solidify our theories about those helmets too.


But really, they are somewhat of a matte color leather, and from a distance they dont look like michael jackson shits.

Plus, wearing them out when you park the bike gets attention. Girls love bikes… see where I am going with this. :number1

oh man, i remember looking at the shorts when i was still healling and thinking, god damn, if only. but i’m sticking to my guns saying that such a protective garment is rather rare on the street, but maybe thats not an excuse.

I also had a hemotoma on my thigh that was drained twice. it was outpatient ‘surgery’. they basically just stuck a needle in it and drained it. now its a dent in my leg rather then a bump. still can’t feel large parts of my upper thigh and lower back.

I’m thinking you could buy the shorts and have the pads sown into the inner side of riding pants or jeans. if they fit right then the pads would stay in place pretty good.

thats basically how they drained it the first time, but with a suction tube. took a full liter of blood out, and now its right back to the same size.

i had one on my thigh that went away on its own

I’m addicted to Icon graphics. I think they are a pretty good, middle of the road helmet. i like the airframe a lot better then the scorpion helmet i was wearing when i went down tho.

I think the full faces don’t look totally out of place on a street fighter or some choppers.

Quick hematoma story. LOL

I was about 14 when I railed the side of the house on my BMX bike. hahah. messed up my hip real good and it was bleeding inside real nice like. I had to go every day after school to drain it. At the end of the week the nurse musta got lazy and poked me in the same needle hole a few times. I crutched myself away to find my mom in the waiting room and I hear behind me down the hall way “Ohh my god!!!” I turn around, and there is a trail of blood behind me, right up to my soaked leg! LOL apparently I didnt cauterize very well that time and shit opened up and made a hell of a mess! hahahaha

yeah, I am rocking a normal street bike fullfaced this year on the fighter.

Does anyone here wear kneepads?

Here are the ones I’m thinking about buying:

The RS Taichi are probably the most comfortable, but I feel like they would get destroyed by the pavement within a few seconds.

Icon are probably the best protection but pricey.

Knox is a good compromise between comfort/protection/price

I wear these:
But they seem to be discontinued.
None of the ones you posted look trustworthy to me, first and third are kinda chintzy and second ones don’t have a knee strap so I wouldn’t trust them to stay put.

I wear a ICON knee/shin guard, but not CE rated. I believe most “hard shell” CE stuff will lose its rating after one crash, the are essentially done. Look into ForceField armor if you plan to reuse it after crashing.

^ Exactly what I got. :rofl

I think thats the “old” icon model, I was actually going to buy that last year but I heard its uncomfortable on the back of the leg when you bend your knee. Any truth to that?

The RS Taichi has a small strap on the bottom, but I agree that it looks like it wouldn’t stay in place when it hits the pavement. I think the best design is to have at least two straps that attach directly to the hard armor (unlike the RS Taichi design)

I’m also looking at the Icon field armor pads. Unfortunately the old ones appear to be discontinued. I wish a shop around here carried these so you could at least try them for a fit.

I can’t imagine not wearing a helmet or gear while riding. I can’t really relate because I’ve never ridden a motorcycle, but I used to race motorcross and always had gear on. The people who dont wear any gear or helmets in NH and ME and other states (idk if there is anymore) that don’t require you to wear a helmet, are absolutely crazy!

Very hard to find locally, since rarely anyone would look for them so most shop won’t stock them. Probably online is your only way, but there is no harm by calling locally shops just too check if they have them.

griffin motorsports on central ave had a set of the field armor knee pads in stock a few weeks ago

Has anyone ever gone down with the mesh riding pants? I have a couple pairs that I use on occasion, but I was debating wearing them more this summer and I’m debating on if it would be safe to wear shorts under them to help make things a little more comfortable heat wise or if I should stick with jeans underneath.

Mesh as in textile or the kevlar/denium type?

I haven’t tested textiles myself, but everything I read and hear about from riders say textiles only are abrasion resistant up to about 40mph skidding across the road on your ass before they burn through.

I would be pissed as FUCK at that dear.