Weather 518

Anyone else interested in getting pelted with snowballs tomorrow night?

going to see craig owens new band>jiminy peak for me.

btw west mountain opens this weekend.

went to Jiminy last night, mountain was in good shape, plenty of coverage, no ice, no people

Good to hea about no ice because my edges are not too sharp.

Headin up in 20.

I’m bringing my insanely overweight and unattractive female neighbor. Just a warning for ya Eric. :rofl

haha no worries I don’t judge where you try and insert your penor. As long as its not in on or around me. I’m leavin like 20 from now.


conditions weren’t too shabby as far as jiminy is concerned. Whitetail was a little icy towards the middle/bottom, but other than that it was fine.

Skied Pico today. Conditions were great. I ended up sidestepping into and hiking up a closed trail and was surprised at how much natural snow they had.


Hit up mount slow today, not bad but started to get scraped off at the end of the day. Nobody was on the mountain even though it was a demo day, which was useless because all they had were park skis and garbage mid-fats, don’t they realize we are on the east coast and some people actually carve out here?

nobody on the east coast does anything except sit in the lodge and drink while bitching about how bad conditions are, didn’t u know? lol

thinking i’m gonna hit up gore on wednesday with a coke product for the $38 deal if anyone wants to go.

There was noone at pico either it was nice. Fat skis have a place, I ride a fairly fat ski but the majority of my skiing is done in the woods where I want some extra beef in my skis to deal with less than ideal snow conditions. But I agree the demo company should realize all their customers don’t want a big ski because with their type of riding a narrower stiff carving ski is much more beneficial. Especially this early in the season where 90% of the trails open are groomers.

^I agree that fatter skis have their purpose, thats why I have a 92 underfoot for backcountry/pow days. My term of garbage was a little harsher than I intended. The other problem was that there were only 5-6 companies represented and really only Volkl and Head were skis I was interested in checking out since Fisher and Atomic weren’t there.

My all the time ski is 99 under foot. But I got em in a somewhat shorter length and they are tele skis so naturally they are a bit lighter than an alpine ski, which translates into actually a pretty playful ski. I think I’m goin to Belleayre this Sunday. Mygirlfriends dad is gettin us free tickets cuz he works there.

My skis are 86mm which is perfect for what I do. Park, woods, etc. My next skis will be wider though. Also, I haven’t tuned my edges in 2 years. Dull edges are better for rails. :rofl

Me and some family are talking about going up to jiminy the day after christmas… hopefully we can make it happen.

They are talking chance for a decent storm late xmas day through sunday :fingerscrossed:

this. exept I will be snowboarding for a few weeks before I ski this season for some reason.

Jiminy Peak Dec 26th!!! I’ll be there.

Just got back from JP with JohnnyK. Conditions were good with minimal ice. We even ran into a snow squall for about 20 miles on the ride home which was enough to cover the roads and make police fishtail like a stunter.