Weather 518

Holy shit that’s a steal.

I need to jack my dad’s login info. :rofl

(First Initial)(last 4 letters of last name)(last 4 numebers of SS). Then you’d have to get hit password haha.

Rockin’ yellow diamonds.

hit up okemo today, holy fuck that mountain is huge.

ahhhhhhh SHIT

Gore Wednesday anyone!!?!?

Fuck I have class wednesday night

going to windam monday and then west saturday…3 days of bording in a little over a week and only paying for one ftw.


Mt Snow has been simply amazing these last two days


There’s a storm threat for Wednesday. Hopefully the storm doesn’t track too far east.

i saw the storm was coming tuesday and figured wednesday would be great

Here cums s’more snow.

I just ate a S’more pop tart. Def looking forward to more snow, I got Friday off so I’ll make use of it on the skis.

I might hit up Gore during the day and then Jiminy for the $20 twilight special. Two mountains for the price of one = win.

I was at gore yesterday. It was really windy and super cold but the snow was decent. I can bring up to two people for 29 bucks each to pico on Friday if anyones interested.

yoyoyo i would be down. can i let u know by wednesday?


Sweet. Never been to Pico before.