Weather 518

Skied Pico today they picked up about ten inches while I was there. Now I’m up in plattsburgh gonna ski Mad River they are getting hit nicely with this storm as well so it should be good riding tomorrow.

My car’s been in the garage since Thursday. I haven’t snowblowed the driveway, and I don’t plan on doing so until I wake up tomorrow. :rofl

The Jetta fucking sucks in the snow. Understeer galore and ABS that makes the car more dangerous… My Subaru with no ABS stopped better than this kraut can.

Thats pico about noon when it was just startin to get good.

New cars ftl.

Goin to Magic tomorrow, should be good.

Going to Mt. Snow tomorrow.

i hate your face right now. still want that plate frame.

Just drove a 2009 mini 6spd in this bull SHIT.

Fuck all of you who can’t drive.

they are still in my car :rofl if I ever run into you they are yours.

Mad River was skiing pretty well today:

Spring is on it’s way.

yup, right after the foot of snow that the ADKs are gonna get

Ill be at Mad River tomorrow. 2 feet of snow so far and still dumping. So worth waking up at 4am.

Pick me up.

woke up, thought we were gonna get 2" and we have 2’ here. FUCK!

Damn looks great up there

I was riding my bike just a few days ago too =(

It was snowing up in thatcher yesterday, then as I drove down it was all rain and by the time I got in colonie it was freezing rain.

Wierd weather

This winter just won’t let up. Horrible freaking season this year. God damn.

fyi, you live in NY :ninja