I can’t remember the last time it was this bad though man.
FYI, this has been one of the worst on record.
Thanks VT for plowing your roads. Left yesterday at 430am to make it to smugglers notch, gave up after all the roads closed around 8-9am, started drinking, went to pico.
Mad River was the shit today, Face shots galore and many bottomless turns under gorgeous sunshine.
Oh and for VT plowing roads yeah they suck at that. I had to drive RTE 17 into Mad River today holy shit. The snowbanks were so big barely 2 cars could fit, its hairpin after hairpin up over a mountain and covered in snow, definitely a couple “Jesus take the wheel” moments.
This better be a ton of cocaine outside my window right now, or I’m not happy.
Just checked, not cocaine :(. Now I have slush in my sinuses and still no fix :ohnoes
Call Alpine and ask.
I miss FL.
I woke up every day last week, went out to the condo balcony, and watched Dolphins coming up for air in the bay. Wicked awesome.
NY blows.
Tsunamis blow, just ask Japan
Too soon?
Natural disasters in FL?
FL isn’t near any fault lines last I knew. Tampa/Clearwater also always seems to NOT be in a hurricane’s path. Only thing those people have to contend with is oppressive humidity :rofl.
I’d take 100* + humid any day over this crap. Even if did mean getting a torrential downpour from time to time or some high winds.
I think you know what I was getting at. :rofl
Tampa/Clearwater/St. Pete, FL is paradise weather wise IMO. Hardly sees the bad storms/hurricanes, no earth quakes, no forest fires, no tsunami’s, etc.
Northeast weather sucks. I’d rather have an occasional volcanic eruption or tsunami then deal with this every year.
I took the I-95 down to Pensacola
All I found was a bunch of holyrollers
The don’t know nothing 'bout saving me
Droughts, earthquakes, hurricanes, tsunamis, heat waves, volcanos, mud slides, tornados, floods, forest fires, mexicans, lots of snow.
I’ll pick the snow.
First day of spring. Yahoo. More snow this week.
“winter” storm warning, 6~12 inchs by Friday night…:rofl